This week we take a look at the mating rituals of a simpler time, in the days before online dating and other such things. Guys, always keep an eye on what the other hand is doing!
Nobody Knows Do's Like Moe!
One more for Donut Month 2014…not sure what year this was but guessing it’s during WW1. With little more than a pack on their backs and a M1903 rifle, our soldiers fought long and hard to keep the world free from tyrants. It is truly this sort of sacrifice that makes someone appreciate the little things, like a donut. So why don’t we all find a vet, thank him or her profoundly, and treat them to a coffee and donut.

Salvation Army War Service, with donuts for our boys.
As we celebrate our final #tbt of Donut Month, 2014 we take you back 70 years to Donut Month, 1944. With our troops deployed on opposite sides of the world and engaged in a valiant struggle against the Axis powers, the humble donut brought a taste of home to a lonely foxhole.
We received a message from one of our customers who was at the Turner’s Falls Pumpkin Festival in our Moe’s Do’s Inbox this morning, but when we sent an email in reply, it got kicked back. All we can guess at this point is that there was a typo in the original message. We did some Google-sleuthing but no luck…

(Stock Photo)
…so “Homer”, if you’re out there, please reach out to us directly via email ( so we can get a hold of you!
As we continue our walk down Memory Lane during Donut Month 2014, let’s take a look back to Donut Month, 1945, where then as well as today our fighting forces were given a warm welcome home after giving so much to protect that which we all hold dear.
As we continue to celebrate Donut Month 2014, let’s go back to the year that the first crystal-clear FM radio transmission was heard, Frank Sinatra gave his premiere singing performance in Indianapolis, Walt Disney’s “Pinocchio” premiered in New York City, Boston’s Jimmie Foxx HR went over Comiskey Park’s left field roof, McDonald’s opened its premiere restaurant in San Bernardino, California…
…and a box of donuts, a ball of string, some bow ties and a few good friends was all you needed for a great night of fun and games!
With more thanks and appreciation than we can express in writing, please allow us to link you over to a very nice feature from our friends at MassLive…
Photo: MassLive (
When Maureen and Mark Weiner told their younger daughter they might start selling doughnuts as a way to pay for her college tuition, she was far from sold on the idea.
“She’s a business major,” Mark said. “So of course she told us immediately, ‘Don’t you know how many small businesses fail?'”
It’s harvest time, and as we all know, harvest time is donut time! First proclaimed in 1928, this year we celebrate the 86th annual Donut Month. This classic work of art celebrates Donut Month, 1949. An awful lot may have changed in the past 65 years, but the traditional bonding of donuts and the autumn season remains constant.
Donuts were such a valued morale-booster on the front lines during both the first and second World Wars, the month of October was designated “National Donut Month”. Donuts, and the volunteers who brought them to our troops, were a welcome break on our front lines.
It certainly is…love at first bite!